Gaudí (Portuguese) Hardcover – Basic Art
13,42 €
ja 17,11 € toimitus
ja 17,11 € toimitus
Gaudí (Portuguese) Hardcover – Basic Art
- Merkki: TASCHEN

From the imposing Sagrada Família to the brilliant, richly textured façade of Casa Batlló, passing through the wonderful landscape of Park Güell, it is easy to understand why Antoni Gaudí (1852-1926) earned the epithet "God's architect." With fluid forms and mathematical precision, his work extols the miracle of natural creation: columns rise like tree trunks, window frames curve like flowering branches, and ceramic tiles shine like the scaly skin of the reptiles. With this extraordinary attention to natural details, his inspiration from neo-Gothic and Orientalist aesthetics, and his lifelong commitment to Catalan identity, Gaudí created a unique strand of the modernist movement that defined Barcelona's urban landscape. This book reveals Gaudí's extraordinary vision and unique legacy, as it analyzes the influences and details that make it possible for his buildings to impress, inspire and surprise a century after he was built. It is not in vain that seven of his projects are declared World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.
- Merkki: TASCHEN
- Kategoria: Taide, arkkitehtuuri ja valokuvaus
- Fruugo ID: 249932864-540273007
- ISBN: 9783836560313
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