Hempiness Premium Organic Hemp Flour - 250g
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ja 16,99 € toimitus
ja 16,99 € toimitus
Hempiness Premium Organic Hemp Flour - 250g
- Merkki: Hempiness

Our new flour (21/01/2021) is a slight variation on a classic and much-loved product. We have altered the protein content from 33% to 24%, allowing for a much more versatile flour. We used to recommend substituting 25% of your normal flour for hemp flour in your recipe, with the new changes you can now substitute up to 50% of your normal flour with hemp instead
This Organic Hemp Flour is produced by milling and sifting Hemp seed cake, which is produced after crushing Hemp Seeds for oil. It is high in protein (24%), Gluten-free and imparts the mild nutty flavour of Hemp into your baking and can be used for breads, muffins or cookies. For best results, substitute only a portion of your usual flour in the recipe (substitute up to 50% of the flour with Hemp flour). Grown organically and Kosher, the 500g size comes in a kraft paper and corn starch bag, It is always super fresh as it is made in small batches, regularly. This product is made from Raw ingredients which have not been heated above 42°C to ensure the health-giving nutrients and enzymes stay alive and well thus making it super healthy.Key Features:Gluten Free FlourHigh in Omega 3 and Omega 6Excellent protein content at 24%Good level of FibreGreat source of vitamins and mineralsAdd to smoothies, baking and cookingSuitable for vegetarians and vegansWheat and Dairy FreeSizes Available: 250g, 500g, 1kg, 2.5kg, 15kg. Ingredients:100% Organic Milled Hempseed Taking a further step for greater sustainability, we use kraft paper and corn starch packaging which is 100% plastic-free and biodegradable. Put it in your recycling, or even in your compost bin when you're finished with it
Packed Weights: 260g, 520g, 1.1kg, 2.6kg, 15.5kg
- Merkki: Hempiness
- Kategoria: Vitamiinit & lisäravinteet
- Fruugo ID: 94489658-198234275
- EAN: 5060990040320
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