Pocket Moleskine Storyboard Notebook

20,41 €
ja 9,16 € toimitus

Pocket Moleskine Storyboard Notebook

Ohjevähittäishinta: 25,51 €
Hinta: 20,41 €
Säästät: 5,10 € (19%)
20,41 €
ja 9,16 € toimitus


Hyväksymme seuraavat maksutavat


MOLESKINE ART COLLECTION: From sketchbooks and sketchpads to watercolor notebooks with heavy paper, to music notebooks with plain and pentagram pages, to storyboard layout notebooks, Moleskine's art collection of notebooks offer the quality you need.DURABLE COVER & ELASTIC CLOSURE: Hold writing projects & notes in your Moleskine notebook with an elastic closure band & inner storage folders. Leather-like classic Moleskine cover & thick, ivory paper pages are perfect for writing with fountain pens.GIFT QUALITY NOTEBOOKS: Moleskine planners, journals and notebooks come in hardcover or softcover and colors like black, red, blue, green and brown. The binding and cover have a durable finish, designed for daily journaling, writing and sketching.DELUXE QUALITY PAGES: Moleskine's thick, ivory paper pages in a hardcover Moleskine notebook, softcover Moleskine notebook, cahier or volant journal, or Moleskine planner are perfectly textured for writing with a ballpoint pen, fountain pen, or pencil.MOLESKINE QUALITY: We're dedicated to culture, travel, memory, imagination, & personal identity—both physical & digital. We bring this commitment to our notebooks, bags, apps & smart pens & notebooks.
  • Fruugo ID: 249932784-540272906
  • EAN: 9788883705380

Toimitus ja palautukset

TagusAurum Unipessoal

Osoite: Estacao de Correios de Azambuja, Apartado 37, Azambuja, 2051-901, Portugali
Jälleenmyyjän ALV-numero: PT509010962

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  • Moleskine
  • Moleskine srl a socio único
  • Via Bergognone, 34
  • Milano
  • IT
  • 20144 Milano
  • customercare@moleskine.com
  • +39 02 90780959
  • https://www.moleskine.com/en-us/

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  • Arquivo
  • Arquivo - Bens Culturais, Lda.
  • Av. Combatentes da Grande Guerra 53
  • Leiria
  • PT
  • 2400-159 Leiria
  • lojaonline@arquivolivraria.pt
  • 351 244 822 225
  • https://www.arquivolivraria.pt/