Richter Hardcover – Basic Art

13,42 €
ja 17,11 € toimitus

Richter Hardcover – Basic Art

Richter Hardcover – Basic Art

Hinta: 13,42 €
13,42 €
ja 17,11 € toimitus

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Hyväksymme seuraavat maksutavat


An encounter with Gerhard Richter, the German artist who widened horizons in the relationship between painting and reality. From early photographic paintings, along with his famous RAF cycle, to late abstract paintings, experiencing Richter’s work always offers us the unexpected and unseen. Where he once set out to liberate the medium from ideological ballast, today, faced with the overwhelming presence of digital images, he shows us the unsurpassed impact and intensity of painting. A definitive introduction to one of the greatest artists of our time spanning not only his entire career, but also 50 years of cultural, economic, and political events.
  • Fruugo ID: 249932936-540273026
  • ISBN: 9783836575232

Toimitus ja palautukset

TagusAurum Unipessoal

Osoite: Estacao de Correios de Azambuja, Apartado 37, Azambuja, 2051-901, Portugali
Jälleenmyyjän ALV-numero: PT509010962

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